Hall of Fame Timeline
1943Canadian Amateur Hockey Association and the National Hockey League selected Kingston as site of the Hockey Hall of Fame in response to initiative of Alderman Ed Charlton, Fred (Bun) Cook and Capt. James T. Sutherland.
Mayor H.A. Stewart chairs meeting at Council Chambers: Appoints 26 Honourary Presidents, 7 to Board of Governors and nominate 21 citizens, including Alderman J. Stuart Crawford to the Local Committee. -
1944HH of Fame Committee (under Mayor C.L. Boyd) meets at Council Chambers and adopts Constitution in principle for organization under the title of International Hockey Hall of Fame.
1945Mayor J. Stuart Crawford elected president of International Hockey Hall of Fame. Capt. Sutherland appointed member of all committees.
1947Provincial Secretary issues Charter to Hockey Hall of Fame under the Ontario Corporation Act (Sept. 17).
1949Magistrate James B. Garvin succeeds the late J. Stuart Crawford as President. NHL President Clarence S. Campbell inspects Frontenac County Courthouse site for Hall of Fame.
1952NHL declines to forward balance of $30,000 pledged to Kingston building fund.
1953City of Kingston's total donation listed at $5,200.00. Federal Government rejects request for $100,000 grant to building fund.
1954NHL President Clarence Campbell sets goal of building fund at $250,000. Declares $125,000 inadequate sum to undertake building project.
1955Capt. James T. Sutherland dies, aged 85. NHL announces plans to relocate Hockey Hall of Fame at Canadian National Exhibition grounds in Toronto. One small room of hockey memorabilia opens in small room at CNE.
1958NHL formally withdraws support of IHHF at Kingston. Hall of Fame question discussed in House of Commons. W.J. Henderson, MP for Kingston, suggests Old Fort Henry property as site of IHHF.
1960Architects Drever and Smith estimate cost of building Hall of Fame at $110,000.
1961Mayor William T. Mills signs bylaw authorizing construction and management of Hall of Fame building. ("The Hockey Hall of Fame may manage the second floor of the building for the objects and purposes set out in their charter.)
1962$132,000 contract awarded by City for construction of the building at York and Alfred streets. Building to contain 250-seat auditorium and 30 x 16 foot stage, with second storey devoted to displays. Hockey Hall of Fame board contributes $70,000.
1963City Council grants $10,000 for purchase of equipment and furnishings. Total of municipal grants to date: $15,200.
1964NHL President Clarence S. Campbell tours Kingston building, guided by Alderman E.H. (Ebby) Hare, IHHF Director.
1965International Hockey Hall of Fame opens doors for first time. Admission: 25-cents.
1969"Historical Hockey exhibition, commemorating first Kingston game (RMC & Queen's) launched by Kingston Winter Carnival committee. Kingston Whig-Standard questions whether Kingston shrine should be closed or moved. M.H. (Lefty) Reid, curator of Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto tours Kingston shrine.
1970President James Garvin and Secretary James de St. Remy resign from IHFM board. New board elected under leadership of President E.H. (Ebby) Hare. Hall honours Rick Smith and Wayne Cashman of the Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins. Paid attendance for year: 2,000 (Adults 50 cents, Children 25 cents). "Hockey's Home brochure published.
1971City of Kingston approves grant of $1,000. Reports shows 4,000 people, including 1,700 students toured Hall during year.
1972IHHF becomes first sports museum recognized by Ontario Government for grant purposes. New name: "International Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum. Leo LaFleur of Memorial Centre board appointed Curator. Total visitors reported at 7,000 attend from Canada, U.S.A., England, France, Germany, and Australia. . Board directors assume sponsorship of annual Historical Hockey series.
1973Kingston's Record Though the Winding Years by Michael J. Rodden, published by the Hall and distributed during Kingston's Tercentenary celebrations.
1976World Hockey Association loans new Avco Cup to IHHFM. Gordie Howe of WHA Houston Aero attracts crowd of 2,000 fans. A single day record for the museum.
1977IHHFM board assumes control of the first floor auditorium and the complete cost of heating and management of the building with estimated savings to City of $8,500 to $10,000 a year. Revenue Canada approves Charitable Registration: (0488395-50- 11). Director John A. Garvin chairs fund-raising campaign: "Double Your Dollars for Kingston's Hockey Heritage. Wintario commits $15,000 grant as 13 Directors each sign $1,000 note at bank.
1978Enlarged and improved Kingston shrine, including Sutherland Memorial Lounge, officially opened by Clarence Campbell, chairman of the Governing Committee and Frank J. Selke, chairman of the Selection Committee of the Hockey Hall of Fame.
1979More than 10,000 "Historic Hockey Dollars ordered for 1980 fund-raising project.
1980IHHFM attempts liaison agreement with Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.
1982IHHFM Inc. consents to incorporation of "Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc., " Toronto.
1983Province of Ontario grant increased from $4,577 to $5,375. City grant: $2,200.
1984Edward R. Grenda, chair of the Historic Hockey Committee, publishes paper on significance of the unique re-enactment series organized annually by the IHHFM.
1986Carr-Harris Cup series between Queen's and R.M.C. inaugurated as part of the Centenary of Hockey celebrations planned by IHHFM committee.
1987IIHFM asks Mayor John Gerretsen and City Council to appoint Task Force to study the long-range future of hockey museum. His successor as Chief Magistrate, Helen Cooper appoints IHHFM Review Task Force and dedicates Historic Hockey Bench commemorating first RMC-Queen's game erected by IHHFM in Confederation Park
1989The Square Puck Newsletter under editorship of Mark Potter and Bill Fitsell published and distributed.
1990Review Task Force under Chair Roy Conacher presents 82-page report that urges 60 to 70 percent of exhibit space be made available to the IIHF. Bobby Hull Collection given prominent display space in Kingston shrine until early 2000's.
1991Three-way partnership between IIHF, IHHFM and the City of Kingston approved in principal. Loan of up to $100,000 recommended by Task Force Review. CAHA concedes "general feeling of support: for the Kingston project. Ontario Women's Hockey Association fully supports Kingston Hall in its desire to display female hockey items from municipal to international level. IHHF President Sabetzki prefers "World Ice Hockey Museum name. Society for International Hockey Research founded at meeting of Canadian Association of Sports Heritage at Hall with 17 charter members.
1992Agreement in Principal reached with International Ice Hockey Federation and the City of Kingston o establish "an international memorial to the game of international ice hockey in the whole world. Kingston shrine to be designation as "IIHF Museum with "Hall of Fame name to be dropped.
1993IHHF announces plans to ship world and European hockey trophies and Gunther Sabetzki memorabilia to Kingston Hall.
1995NHL and the Hockey Hall of Fame, Toronto, recognizes the IIHFM's role in the preservation and presentation of hockey heritage and promises support. No financial aid.
1996IIHF Museum, Kingston under President Norm Saunders and the Hockey Hall of Fame, Toronto, led by Ian (Scotty) Morrison announces a partnership "to establish goodwill in the presenting preservation of the game of ice hockey.
1997IIHF withdraws from Kingston agreement. (No direct financial aid received).
1999IHM pays $3,000 on City of Kingston loan. Current balance owing: $69,000. Director of operation Doug Nichols appeals for appointment of a curator and the need to relocate in the downtown tourist trail.
2000President Roy B. Conacher heads committee to meet with City of Kingston to discuss future operations of Hall. IHM board signs Loan Amending Agreement and General Security Agreement with the City of Kingston.
2001Roy Conacher resigns as President of the International Ice Hockey Federation Museum and accepts position of Vice-President. Mark Potter elected President, Larry Paquette elected Treasurer and Edward Grenda elected Secretary. Hall to operate under the name of "The International Hockey Museum. President's goal: Relocation down town.
2002Larry Paquette is elected Vice-President of the International Ice Hockey Federation Museum. City Council approves Phase One of Museum Tourism Network Study, including the International Hockey Museum.
2003"Hockey's Hub: Three Centuries of Hockey in Kingston by Bill Fitsell and Mark Potter, published by Quarry Heritage Books with aid $15,000 in grants from the City of Kingston and the Davies Foundation.
2005Square Puck monument commemorating first hockey game in Kingston, dedicated at site in front of Hall at Alfred and York streets. Jean Beliveau displays Montreal Canadiens' memorabilia at Hall prior to auction.
2009Classroom "School Program including Hall tours organized by directors Sandra Hefford and Beth Duff. Sales of new souvenir "Square Pucks launched. High profile downtown relocation site discussed with Mayor Harvey Rosen.
2010IHHF commission's artist to paint mural of Team Canada star Jayna Hefford for display at the Invista Centre and pays half the cost of $1,500. Classic Auctions of Montreal appraises Kingston collection at approximately $950,000.
2011IHHF launches "The Original Hockey Hall of Fame campaign to raise $1.2 million for relocating Hall downtown. First annual banquet at Ambassador Convention Centre, headed by Don Cherry, Ron MacLean and Doug Gilmour raises $47,000. City of Kingston staff report calls for demolition of hockey shrine due to the deteriorating condition of the 50-year-old building. Offer to Lease put in place on 5,600 sq ft of space in the former S & R building. Partnership established with Dale Morrisey of WJP Media Group to create a documentary on the life of Capt. James T. Sutherland.
2012IHHF requests $400,000 grant from the City of Kingston. City Council grants $200,000 with conditions. International Ice Hockey Federation Museum name formally dissolved and title of "International Hockey Hall of Fame reaffirmed. (William James Henderson Foundation donates $250,000 to Hall's building relocation fund.
Operating name for the International Hockey Hall of Fame & Museum Inc. is changed to the Original Hockey Hall of Fame and a new logo is unveiled. The “Original†name is adopted, referring to the 1943 decision by the National Hockey League and the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association for Kingston to be the first and only site for a Hall of Fame to remember and highlight those individuals who have done so much to develop the game of hockey.2013
The 70th anniversary of the International Hockey Hall of Fame is marked with a grand re-opening at the new Invista space. Special guests include Don Cherry and Bill Fitsell to celebrate the occasion. With the drastic reduction in available floor space from the old location, a modified set of display cases and artifacts are on view to the public. The original building that had stood since 1965 on the Memorial Centre grounds is demolished by the city.
The Hall undergoes a $250,000 renovation, complete with upgraded and interactive displays, new graphics, a room re-design and a theatre. The project, undertaken by Show Communications, draws considerable local media coverage and boosts attendance.2018
The 75th anniversary of the Hall of Fame is marked by three events held on Nov. 16, with both the Stanley Cup and Memorial Cup on hand. A luncheon is held for over 200 attendees at Fort Frontenac, with special guests Ken Linseman, Doug Gilmour and Rick Smith. There is an afternoon event at the Invista Centre for the public to have an opportunity to see the two iconic trophies on display. The final event is a tribute to Ken Linseman held at a Kingston Frontenacs game, recognizing his accomplishments during his playing career with the the Kingston Canadians, the predecessor of the Fronts.
Mark Potter steps down as President after 19 years in the position, the longest serving President in Hall of Fame history. Potter was able to significantly raise the profile of the Hall during his tenure and accomplish many objectives, including the transition to the current Invista location. Larry Paquette is elected President after 18 years in the roles of Vice-President and Treasurer.
- 1940's
- 1950's
- 1960's
- 1970's
- 1980's
- 1990's
- 2000's
- 2010's